Rentmania: "The things we need should appear in our life on magic wand wave"
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
15 December 2014

Rentmania: "The things we need should appear in our life on magic wand wave"

The Rentmania project - the finalist of the GenerationS from the IT track, – promises to make people's lives easier and freer, offering them much more goods and services for less money. The team knows that the idea of renting everything you want, is not new, however, they are confident that the main thing is not the novelty of the idea, but the quality of its realization. Arkady Meshkovsky, the project founder and former "victim" of unnecessary things, explained why it is important that everything in our life appears and disappears gracefully.

I am the founder and the ideological inspirer of our project. The team also includes my partner – Lyudmila Bulavkina. She is also an entrepreneur, owns a dress rental company and once has launched the YouDo service which is very famous now. I am responsible for business development and attraction of rental companies, and Lyudmila is responsible for marketing and "happiness" of the users. Our team includes a few more people, including the developer.

Nowadays it is generally accepted that the idea itself is worth nothing – the quality of its implementation is much more important. As for me, I came to the idea to make an online platform for renting things thanks to my personal experience. Earlier when I needed anything for a time, I was looking for it to buy it from my friends or on sales. As a result, it was stored for years, until I decide to get rid of it. Three years ago I bought a huge expensive tent, but never used it, it was the last straw. After talking with my friends I found out that I am not the only one who has this problem. I became interested in the topic and found out about the popular western trend of Sharing Economy. Thus was born the idea of the project.

We want that the necessary things appear in the lives of people as on magic wand wave. If people do not have to buy the items and services, it makes their lives easier and freer. Imagine: a thing appears, you're using it in the proper field, and then it gracefully disappears with the courier. Millions of people will be able to afford more for the minimal money.

Our team has become more solid after GenerationS. In particular, we have become more mature professionals. I love my profession and I chose it because I was not bored in it – everything is changing dynamically. The team is the same. At the competition, we often had to "break" ourselves and go beyond the stereotypes which we have accumulated over the lifetime. But we coped and gave a good account of ourselves.

In the near future we plan to close the seed-round of development of the project, and a year later – to reach the level of its recoupment and conclusion of 100 trades per day. We got a lot of offers from business angels, but it is too early to speak about the specific results of the negotiations.

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