The Track’s Partner Organizing Training Project Presentations in St. Petersburg
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
10 July 2014

The Track’s Partner Organizing Training Project Presentations in St. Petersburg

On July 14, 2014, Ingria Business Incubator, a partner of the BioTechMed Track acceleration program, will organize training presentations of biomed projects in the StartupLynch format that includes presentations before a board of experts and project evaluation by specialists.

Project teams are expected to tell the audience about their idea, describe its technological specs and competitive advantages over the competition and similar products available on the market. After this, experts will ask startup entrepreneurs questions and offer recommendations for improving on their presentation and giving it in front of prospective investors. All in all, 10 biomedtech projects will participate in StartupLynch.

“This year, Ingria is partnering with GenerationS acceleration program,” the business incubator’s CEO Igor Rozhdestvensky says, “and so we responded to the call from the Tomsk State University (the TSU) to hold a StartupLynch session for biomed projects. This will be an excellent way to prepare project teams for interaction with real investors. We had already offered our format to the accelerator contest organizers as a component of the BioTechMed training program.

“BioTechMed Track partners will run master classes and workshops for startup projects associated with healthcare and biotech in several cities,” Oleg Malsagov, Head of the TSU Business Incubator, said. “The upcoming StartupLynch-format event in St. Petersburg is a test run; it will be followed by similar events in Perm and Novosibirsk.”

The event will take place in St. Petersburg on July 14, 2014, at Building 2, 70 Obukhovskaya Oborona Avenue. Starting time 11:00 a.m.

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