“Startups to Develop Unique Competencies”
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
21 April 2014

“Startups to Develop Unique Competencies”

The Tomsk State University (TSU) will become partner for the BioTechMed Cluster training and acceleration program, which is part of the GenerationS-2014 contest. Deputy to TSU Vice President for Science, Executive Director of the Tomsk Consortium of Sceintific/Educational and Scientific/Research Organizations Olga Babkina has told us about the opportunities created by and capabilities of the BioTechMed accelerator.

“What is the BioTechMed accelerator?”

“It is a unique training platform for GenerationS contests participants in the fields of biotechnology and healthcare working in such segments as Biopharmaceuticals and Biomedicine, Industrial biotechnologies and Bioenergy, Environmental (Ecological) Biotechnologies. We are gathering projects from across Russia and helping their authors develop their business models and “package” their ideas for presentation to investors, telling project teams how they can raise money and develop their business to commercial production scale, etc. The BioTechMed Cluster will enable startups to develop unique competencies. At the same time, the accelerator is a venue for interaction, for communication with Russian and international experts, and businesses already active in the field.”

“Why was the Tomsk State University, of all schools, selected as a GenerationS partner?

“The TSU has many designs and programs of its own in the field, we have established partnerships with Russian Federations Healthcare of the Future and BioTech 2030 technology platforms, we have extensive experience in implementing our designs and interacting with venture capitalists and investors. The combination of all these factors enabled us to win the competition to become part of the GenerationS program.”

“Can you please tell us about the project selection process for the Cluster?”

“Applications for the BioTechMed Cluster are accepted until June 30, 2014. The GenerationS Contest spans all of Russia. And we are planning to inform innovative companies about our Cluster’s capabilities across many regions. I expect at least 300 project teams to apply for the BioTechMed [acceleration] program. The Russian Venture Company (RVC) will assist in the selection process, and we expect to accept approximately 40 teams as contest participants in the Cluster. They will come to Tomsk in the fall for a high-intensity training program. We are planning to attract the attention of both Russian and international venture-capital investors and  business angels. All the projects will be thoroughly analyzed, and partners will be found for every project.”

“What opportunities does the GenerationS program open up for TSU?”

“GenerationS are a significant step forward for the University. The TSU has raised the bar by declaring its intention to become involved in the nationwide project. The BioTechMed accelerator will be a unique event of nationwide significance, giving contest participants a way to find partners for their future business ventures. We will also work closely together with Moscow-based development institutions, sharing our experience and methods. We know that one of the contest organizers — the Moscow Center for Innovative Development — is interested in implementing innovative solutions in the urban environment, including those in public healthcare, among other things. I am positive that both TSU directly and our acceleration program participants will have something to offer to the Moscow authorities in this field.”

Russia 24 TV reports have been used for this article.
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