GenerationS-2015: A Full-Tile Educational Session for 300 Best Technological Start-Ups Begins in Moscow
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
19 August 2015

GenerationS-2015: A Full-Tile Educational Session for 300 Best Technological Start-Ups Begins in Moscow

Approximately three hundred technological start-ups from the entire country which have been selected as a result of the multi-state expert examination will participate in the full-time intensive business development program in Moscow on August 25-29 within the framework of the Pre-Accelerator GenerationS

On the last day of the program there will be pitch sessions as a result of which about one hundred young teams will get to the main stage of the project: corporate accelerators in seven industrial areas.

RVC and GVA Launch Gurus, an operator of the Pre-Accelerator GenerationS, have developed an active program for start-ups: lectures, practical lessons, master classes, consultations, speeches of famous speakers and experts, meetings with stars, experts, business angels of the venture capital market, successful businessmen, and many other useful contacts. Experts to teach at the intensive course include Gulnara Bikkulova (RVC), Dmitriy Peskov (ASI), Evgeniy Kuznetsov (RVC), Vartan Minasyan (Kaspersky Lab), Aleksey Polunin (IBM), Rustam Tiger (Tiger Consulting Group, Innovation Synergy Fund), Vladimir Kosteyev (iR&Dclub), Nadiya Cherkasova (VTB24), Sergey Maksimchuk (Alfa-Bank), Kirill Smirnov (Mastercard), Natalya Chernyshova (Branan), Aleksandr Borodich (Venture Club), Sergey Vykhodtesv (Velle), Roman Dusenko (business coach, entrepreneur), Aleksandr Yanykhbash (business coach), Ivan Afanasov (Napoly), Aleksandr Morozov (Steel Accelerator), Dmitriy Bergelson (Pyatyorochka, X5 Retail Group), Nataliya Radostava (Microsoft) etc.

The full time program of the Pre-Accelerator will include lectures, seminars and master classes on the following themes:

  • Day 1: business model development, team formation, networking;
  • Day 2: National Technology Initiative (NTI), NTI markets as prospective areas of innovation development, creation of the minimum viable product (MVP);
  • Day 3: meeting with industrial investors, business evaluation, work with large corporations;
  • Day 4: preparation of pitch presentations, public speech practice, business scaling and globalization;
  • Day 5: final stage of the Pre-Accelerator, a series of pitch sessions with investors and experts, start-up selection for participation in full-time corporate industrial accelerators GenerationS to be held in September - November.

IBM, a general partner of Pre-Accelerator, will hold a master class on use of the innovation cloud tool IBM Bluemix™ which enables entrepreneurs and developers to create, launch and manage all applications on a quick and efficient basis. 50 finalists, participants of the Mixed track, will be given cloud grants in the amount of USD 12,000. Five best projects according to the IBM experts will be given mega grants in the amount of USD 120,000 for use of the could platform IBM Bluemix.

The full program of the educational session:

GenerationS-2015 works in seven acceleration areas: modern power generation technologies (Power&Energy), new oil industry technologies (Oil&Gas), smart city and urban development technologies (SmartCity), production automation and robotics (Robotics), telecommunication technologies (Telecom Idea), air space industry technologies (AeroSpace), medicine and biotechnologies (BioTechMed).

In 2015 RVC has reformed GenerationS in order to help large companies to interact with small business. The accelerator is implemented in close cooperation with the following corporations: RusHydro Group, KES Holding, MOESK OJSC, Energy without Borders Fund, Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), Sberbank Technologies CJSC, Saturn SPO, S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, MORTON SC, Russian Technical Society RPO, Tatneftekhiminvest holding OJSC, Johnson&Johnson, Farmkontract SC, Sibbiofarm PO. Corporations directly participate in GenerationS participants' project selection, expert examination and acceleration on the basis of their need for innovation solutions. Corporations perform pilot projects for work with technological start-ups for the purpose of implementation of innovation development programs, establishment of the flexible innovation policy, business development, new product development and entry into new marks, with expert support of RVC and other market participants.

This year partners of GenerationS have become more than a hundred of state organizations and commercial companies including: Fund for Support of Small Enterprise Development in the Scientific and Technical Sphere, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Ministry of Communications and Media of the Russian Federation, Association of Innovative Regions of Russia, Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Innovation Center of the Russian Olympic Committee, Kamaflow, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Samsung, ABBYY, UBER, Capital Group and many others.

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