A New Nomination in BiotechMed Direction was Established as Part of GenerationS-2015
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
24 August 2015

A New Nomination in BiotechMed Direction was Established as Part of GenerationS-2015

EFKO Group has established nomination «Biotechnologies for the food industry» as part of BiotechMed track in GenerationS acceleration program.

The largest holding of fat-and-oil market in Russia and one of the leading food manufacturers, EFKO became GenerationS’ partner and established a special nomination «Biotechnologies for the food industry» for the participants.

The winner of EFKO’s nomination will be announced at the ceremony of rewarding on GenerationS’ superfinal, which will be held November, 20th at Corporate venture summit. The winning team will receive 500 thousand rubles grant from EFKO. Company also will take part in forming of GenerationS’ prize fund.

Award criteria in EFKO’s nomination are: originality of the project’s idea, practice value of science development, actuality of implementing into the Russian market, competitiveness on the global level, team’s potential, ability to implement development (project) into EFKO’s productive activities, its commercial perspective, enthusiasm for the idea and self-assessment of capabilities.

Also in part of offline-stage of GenerationS pre-acceleration program, which was held August, 25-29 in Moscow, EFKO’s experts have chosen developers’ teams in food industry, who collected certificates for education in «Biruch» school of management in business administrating, analytics, personal and other directions; certificates for consulting service (market analytics, project’s financial indicators, marketing research, etc.), also material and technical base of Innovative Center «Biruk» will be provided for an elaboration of certain project’s stages and analyzing of innovative product. The number of nominees depends on the projects’ level and their subjects.

EFKO’s experts also took part in developing pre-acceleration program – general educational GenerationS’ program, and in directional corporate accelerator in the medicine and biotechnologies domain – BiotechMed GenerationS.

Since 2015 GenerationS’ resources are used for creating corporate and sectoral accelerators in collaboration with the largest Russians corporations. Acceleration performed on 7 directions: technologies for the modern power generation (Power&Energy), new technologies for the oil-and-gas sector (Oil&Gas), smart city and technologies for building (SmartCity), automation and robotics systems (Robotics), technology in telecommunications (Telecom Idea), technologies for the aerospace industry (Aerospace), medicine and biotechnology (BiotechMed).

Accelerator is made in partnership with different corporations: RusGidro Group, KES Holding, OAO MOESK, Energy Without Borders fund, RAO EES Vostok, MobileTeleSystems (MTS), ZAO Sberbank-technologies, NPO Saturn, RCC Energia, GC MORTON, ROO Russian Technical Society, OAO Tatneftekhiminvest Holding, GC Farmcontract, PO Sibbiofarm and others.

Corporations on the base of their needs in innovations are directly involved in the selection, assessment of projects and the acceleration of startups participating GenerationS. With the expert support of RVC and other market participants corporations carry out pilot projects of work with technological startups for the implementation of innovative development programs, building a flexible innovation policy, business development, development of new products and reaching new markets.

This year, more than hundreds of state organizations and commercial companies became GenerationS’ partners. Among them are the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises on Science and Technology, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Agency for Strategic Initiatives, FANO, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the Association of innovative regions of Russia, Rosmolodezh, Innovation Center of the Russian Olympic Committee, Kamaflow, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Samsung, ABBYY, UBER, EFKO Group, Capital Group and many others.

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