EFKO begins to train technology startups
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
29 January 2016

EFKO begins to train technology startups

From 11 to 15 September, 2016, four technology entrepreneurs, graduates of RVK-organized GenerationS federal startup accelerator, had a course of studies at the Innovation Centre and Biryuch Management School, part of EFKO. For the company, it is the first time it has taught foreign market startups on its own ground.

In 2015 EFKO became a technology partner of GenerationS accelerator for biotechnology and medicine. Out of 2566 startups featured on the accelerator, the company selected six most promising projects for further cooperation, one of which is Cerebra Engineering from Vladivostok received a grant of 350 000 roubles and a certificate for a joint development of business. Four projects were awarded certificate for a week-long course of studies at Biryuch School of Management. Among them are Vladivostok’s Terebra, projects developing highly-effective pro-biotic fodder additive Probiotic A2 (Moscow) and Polifit A (Astrakhan) - complex-effect bio preparation for the protection of crops, and boosting their yield, and also the project for the correction stereoscopic vision GlazaMer (Novosibirsk).

The course of studies included lectures and practice classes on business administration, market research and the calculation of the ROI of the product, contract work, business style, etiquette and self-presentation. Also the entrepreneurs went on excursions to the production site of the company in the town of Alekseevka. According to Maxim Basov (Probiotic A2 project), he found it interesting to learn how the process of production is organised and practised at EFKO. "I had a chance to talk to the members of the personnel, they are great professionals – from foremen to executive officers. Intelligent organisation of production and cleanliness are the major elements of success".

Alexander Sevast’yanov (GlazaMer project) noted the atmosphere dominating in Biryuch: "I was born and grew in Novosibirsk’s Akademgorodok. It’s a quiet place, no fuss and bustle, everyone can follow their passion and the people are wrapped in science. EFKO has managed to create the same atmosphere for the development of innovations and bring out human potential. I am sure this will make it possible for both the personnel and the company as a whole to achieve the best results".

Dinara Bikkulova (Polifit-A project) pointed out that she as a person of science found the studies very useful: "From a scientific point of view my project is well-grounded but business- and commercial-wise approach leaves much to be desired. When doing GenerationS and Biryuch Management School I was learning particularly things in this sphere and now I am ready to put the new knowledge into practice".

Alexander Kolas (Cerebra project) noted that the company has built a very interesting system of management: "An interesting system of business administration and the system of personnel rotation. Today many companies depend on individual professionals, for business it is a big risk. Whereas EFKO practises personnel rotation, provides opportunity for promotion and encourages ambition".

EFKO is the biggest holding on the creamery and oil market in Russia and a leading producer of food products. According to Tatiana Sanina, Director of Business Administration at Biryuch Innovation Centre, the company is interested in all business spheres starting from instrument making up to processing of waste and fodder production: Besides, now Russia needs agricultural technologies that could ensure import replacement. We as a big business and innovation company are prepared to invest in them.

EFKO plans to continue work with GenerationS participants. As early as February the company plans to carry out washer screw tests for oil-press equipment developed by Cerebra project, and if the tests come off, start the production of the parts at EFKO facilities.

According to Gyulnara Bikkulova, PBK Executive Board Member Supervising Director of GenerationS Startup Accelerator, cooperation with EFKO showed that the Russian sphere of biotechnologies and particularly agrobiotechnologies is growing in maturity: "This year the sphere of Biotechnologies and Medicine becomes one of the most popular with startups, we received 380 applications from new startups, that is, there is a sufficient amount of supply. Due to the cooperation with EFKO it becomes evident that supply enjoys a demand. In 2015 we used GenerationS as corporative accelerators for the particular reason that demand and supply could meet on the same ground. We feel happy that due to this project six technology startup companies have enlisted the support of a big strategic partner and actually secured a foothold in the market".

GenerationS-2015 operates along seven industrial fields: modern power generation technologies (Power&Energy), new oil and gas technologies (Oil&Gas), «smart» city and town planning technologies (SmartCity), production automation and robotics (Robotics), telecommunications technologies (Telecom Idea), aerospace technologies (Aerospace), medicine and biotechnologies (BiotechMed).

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