3plet has become a "musical" resident of SKOLKOVO
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
26 May 2016

3plet has become a "musical" resident of SKOLKOVO

The 3plet project — the finalist of GenerationS-2014 — has become the first "musical" resident of SKOLKOVO. The project needs to participate in SKOLKOVO in order to switch from MVP to a developed platform.

The idea of 3plet is to give artists an opportunity to produce on their own, and their fans to listen to the album not just as a featureless "folder with mp3 files", but as a complete work in which everything is important: both music, and pictures, and texts. the name "3plet" implies exactly the integration of these three components: the artist loads the files via his/her personal account, after which they are automatically collected in a 3plet-album which is then published on iOS and Android as a separate app. 3plet is not just a " track reader", this is as individual packaging for each album, emphasized the founder of the project Valery Mifodovsky. How the project is going to reach the Western music world and why does the 3plet-album listener need virtual reality glasses?

"Individual 3plet-albums have already been published by more than one hundred artists, including "Mumiy Troll" and the BG, they were downloaded 180 thousand times. The format popularity depends on the popularity of the artist, and we do not reckon on all of its listeners, we reckon on fans, said the project founder Valery Mifodovsky. — Fans is a group of utmost importance that brings 70-80% of income to the artist, and modern digital industry doesn't offer anything else in exchange except for premium CD's or vinyl discs. They get a standard "list of tracks" on iTunes and Spotify, but they want more: they are characterized by emotional consumption, not just by a rational one. We are geared to such listeners and artists who would like a bright and meaningful digital album to be produced for them that is free of any problems with the media, circulation and delivery worldwide. Each 3plet-album has video clips, and there is an individual slide show for each track, the listener can read the lyrics and author's comments, share the picture in social networks, read a biography, discography, and other materials".

Work in GenerationS turned out to be an important preparatory step for the team, according to Valery: "Participation in GenerationS helped us to get rid of some illusions and to find a clear positioning of our project, to "check out" our presentation opportunities and to practice in pitches. Thanks to the accelerator, we got access to the venture capital industry, and now we understand how it works".

The project needs to participate in SKOLKOVO in order to switch from MVP to a developed platform, according to the founder: "This is one more year of work. We would like to improve the design, usability, sound quality. We would like to change the code so that the platform withstands the load of releasing hundreds of albums per day and has the potential for embedding new technologies. For example, in a year or two we will face a boom of virtual reality, and we would like to be ready to produce 3plet-albums of VR version. With such a platform we would be able to enter the Western market. Remarkably, no analogues of our format have yet been developed. The music world is developing towards streaming, and we are moving in the opposite direction, and the Western industry is curiously looking at us: will it happen or not? We have already signed agreements with music aggregators backed by hundreds of thousands of artists. Aggregators in the core business have low marginality and need additional services (like VAS for communication service providers). They provide us with the "digital funnels" in the West, and then you can talk about the individual sales to performers".

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