A development of Russian scientists for water purification from oil is one of the best environmental projects in the world
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
30 August 2016

A development of Russian scientists for water purification from oil is one of the best environmental projects in the world

The Russian BioMikroGeli entered the top hundred projects within the MassChallenge UK 2016 global business development program and became one of the four start-ups from around the world that have been selected in the section of environmental technology.

The Development of Russian scientists for water purification from oil has been recognized as one of the best environmental projects in the world and the Russian company BioMikroGeli became one of the hundred best projects in the MassChallenge UK 2016 global business development program and became one of the four start-ups from around the world that have been selected in the section of environmental technology.

The BioMikroGeli Company (BMG), a graduate of the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe start-up accelerator GenerationS organized by RVC, has become the only Russian project, which got into the program of the MassChallenge UK 2016 accelerator. In total, this year, the final of MassChallenge, a global program for the development of start-ups, the international expert council has selected 100 projects out of 1,000 initial applications submitted from 69 countries.

Those unique chemical and engineering solutions that the BioMikroGeli team presented to the Commission at the defence of projects in London as part of the presentation of the company aroused great interest and approval of an international audience.

"We were really lucky to be among the world's best start-ups. Our reaching the final will bring an opportunity to develop our company and to conquer new markets. Europe is a strategically important area. For our products, it is a huge potential. To implement this potential, investments are required. Many companies in the European market are willing to finance such start-ups. Participation in the contest will make it possible to have direct access to investors, receive required tools for further development and the expert assistance", said General Director of BioMikroGeli Andrey Elagin.

The technology basis are micro gels of natural origin ranging in size from 50 to 1,000 nanometres, which "grab" dirt particles and remove them. Because of these properties, BioMikroGeli can effectively solve the problem of water and soil purification from oil, petroleum products and integrated pollution without causing any damage to the environment.

In addition, the proposed scientific solution has a wide scope, in particular, can be effectively used at the same time both for the elimination of oil spills in the fields, and for the treatment of industrial waste by enterprises. The advantage of this development is that it is much more economical than the existing technologies, though, safe for the environment.

The main work on the accelerator program will begin in September. After its completion at the end of this November, all the companies participating in the MassChallenge UK 2016 will present their advanced business projects to the expert commission and will be able to present the achievements to potential international investors, partners and customers.

About GenerationS

GenerationS is the largest accelerator of technology projects in Russia and Eastern Europe and the first federal platform for creating and developing corporate acceleration tool work. It has been held by RVC since 2013. GenerationS-2015 received a record number of applications: 2,566 projects from 14 countries. The number of projects selected for participation in the corporate accelerators in seven directions equals 141. The customers and industrial partners of GenerationS became more than 20 Russian companies, in whose interests the selection and acceleration of projects were carried out. Then more than 60 joint projects are to be analysed. The total amount of prizes from the GenerationS-2015 partners reached 160 million rubles.

About RVC

RVC is a state fund of funds, the development institution of the Russian Federation, one of the key tools in building its own national innovation system. The authorized capital of RVC is more than 30 billion rubles. One hundred per cent of the RVC capital belongs to the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for Management of State Property of the Russian Federation (Federal Property Management Agency). The total amount of funds generated by RVC has reached 21 billion rubles; meanwhile, the total size is equal to 32.4 billion rubles. The share of RVC is 19.9 billion rubles. The number of innovative companies invested by RVC funds has reached 196. The total volume of invested monetary funds is 18.4 billion rubles. In 2015, RVC was entrusted to create a project office of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) — a long-term strategy of technological development of the country, aimed at the formation of new global markets by 2035.

About SPA BioMikroGeli

SPA BioMikroGeli — Scientific-Production Association, which has been leading the development of tools for the purification of water, soil and solid surfaces from oils, petroleum products and metal ions since 2012. The company has confirmed its innovativeness, efficiency and manufacturability of its designs in more than 19 countries, and owns five Russian patents for inventions, as well as applications for international and Eurasian patents, which makes it possible to introduce and distribute our solutions on the conditions of licensing agreements worldwide. BioMikroGeli is a graduate of the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe start-up accelerator GenerationS, and became a resident of Skolkovo Innovation Centre (Moscow).

Press service of GenerationS:
Tel: +7 (916) 508-38-44
E-mail: press@generation-startup.ru

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