In Irkutsk, a Demo Day of the Power & Energy track was held
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
24 January 2017

In Irkutsk, a Demo Day of the Power & Energy track was held

The winners of the corporate accelerator Power & Energy GenerationS shared the prize of one million rubles and grants from the Fund for Innovation Support.

In Irkutsk, a Demo Day of the Power & Energy track of the GenerationS start-up accelerator from RVC took place — the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe. Over 300 teams from all over Russia fought for participation in the business development program. As a result of the selection of participants in the final stage, 13 long-term projects were selected, which could undergo a crash course learning the basics of technology entrepreneurship, develop business plans and to test their projects in cooperation with industrial partners track — Irkutsk Electric Grid Company JSC and EvroSibEnergo JSC.

At the final presentation of the start-up-winner’s track, three projects in the energy sector have been identified, who shared the prize fund of one million rubles. The three technology start-ups that will compete for the title of a GenerationS winner in April 2017 included:

  • The 1st place and a prize of 500 thousand rubles: project «Transformer with ceramic insulation» Vladimir Stepanchuk, Moscow. The project involves the introduction of a new generation of transformers insulated with ceramic coils having a number of unique characteristics: virtually unlimited service life and high efficiency, resistance to changes in temperature, mechanical stress and radiation, half the size and weight.
  • The 2nd place and a prize of 350 thousand rubles: project «Acoustoelectric transformer» Igor Lizunov, St. Petersburg. The developers have proposed a new method of diagnosis in wireless transmission systems for non-contact measurement of high-voltage current.
  • The 3rd place and a prize of 150 thousand rubles: project "Operational control with the use of RFID-technology high-voltage insulators«Tatiana Nesenyuk, Yekaterinburg. The project involves the installation of passive RFID-tags on insulators, which in future will enable safety and accuracy at a distance of 6-10 meters, will determine the passage of the breakdown current and notify in advance on the need to replace insulators.

«IESK takes all the three of winning projects for further development since they correspond to the priorities of the company. Besides, the project «the new generation of supercapacitors» will be transferred to the office of «EvroSibEnergo» in Moscow. One of the affiliates of the head of the holding company — GAZ Group — is engaged in the production of electric, passenger transport, where the technology could find its application,» said Anna Korotchenkova, head of the department of scientific and technical activity of EvroSibEnergo JSC. — It is important to note that in the IESK company in the coming year launched an initiative for the implementation of innovative projects as one of the key factors of efficiency. Therefore, our participation in the corporate accelerator Power & Energy GenerationS as an industrial partner is going to be a win-win for both start-ups and for Irkutsk Electric Grid Company.

An important event at the Demo Day of the Power & Energy track was the awarding of the winners StartGenS of joint competition under the «Start» Innovation Assistance Foundation. The program aims to support innovative start-ups in the early stages of development.

Grants from the Foundation for the support of innovation for two million rubles each, will receive four projects of accelerator:

  • Project , Angara-service LLC Moscow. The project includes the creation of a unique treatment technologies of different nature sediment, formed in the process of heat and other processing equipment. Unlike traditional chemical method of cleaning, this technology allows you to quickly remove non-reactive sediment, and it does not have a corrosive effect.
  • Kanatohod Project, Alexander Lemekh, Yekaterinburg. The project aims at the development of robotic systems for the maintenance and repair of high-voltage overhead power lines. The complex, which consists of an unmanned helicopter, the mobile robot and manipulator, allow for maintenance and repairs autonomously in remote places, without tripping of power lines.
  • «Smart Power Grid» Project Alexander Cherepanov, Irkutsk region. The project aims to create software for the intelligent control of power quality in railway power supply systems. The complex allows simulating a wide range of normal and emergency operating modes of intelligent power systems.
  • Project «Operational control with the use of RFID-technology high-voltage insulators» Tatiana Nesenyuk, mentioned earlier prizewinner of the GenerationS accelerator.


«Financing in the amount of eight million rubles from the Fund to promote innovation within the StartGenS joint competition will provide an opportunity to talented teams to finalize their projects faster and reach the production stage,» said Sergei Polyakov, the CEO of Innovation Promotion Fund


About GenerationS
GenerationS — the largest start-up accelerator in Russia and Eastern Europe, the federal corporate platform for the development of acceleration tools. It has been held by RVC since 2013. More than 20 Russian companies, in whose interests the selection and acceleration of start-ups is carried out, become Industrial partners of GenerationS on an annual basis. As a result of the multi-stage examination, the GenerationS participants receive ample opportunities for business development and investment promotion, and to get access to resources and infrastructure of accelerator partners. In 2016 alone, 4,237 applications from 30 countries were submitted to participate in GenerationS. The GenerationS-2016 prize fund will amount to 15 million rubles. the total value of prizes from partners will exceed 100 million rubles.

Press service of GenerationS
Phone: +7 (916) 508-38-44

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