A corporate LifeScience GenerationS accelerator track starts in February
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
8 February 2017

A corporate LifeScience GenerationS accelerator track starts in February

The top 10 start-up teams in biomedical technology will be able to launch joint projects with corporate customers.

On 1 February, in Dolgoprudny town, the acceleration corporate LifeScience track program will start - the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe, a start-up accelerator GenerationS from RVC. Out of 142 teams applied to participate in the accelerator track, it was selected 10 of the best projects in the field of development of new drugs, diagnostic systems, medical devices, and M-Health-technology related to the monitoring of human health. Within 2 weeks, the finalists will undergo an intensive training program on the basis of an industrial partner track - Northern Biofarmcluster.

The participants of acceleration LifeScience track program were the teams from Moscow and Moscow Region, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kazan. The following projects will compete for the title of the best ones: Emvio (Stress Control System), brain-computer interface "Optoritmograf" anticancer drug "Laktaptin", PillBand (bracelet for storage and tablets transfer), QRepublik (medical ID), ScanDerm (portable system analyses skin condition), the therapy device oxygenation of blood, wireless pacemaker function long cardiac monitoring, personal auto injector for intramuscular injection, innovative drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence.

"We hope that the intensive education prepared by us will help project teams to move to a new level of understanding of their development, both at the stage development activities and in the planning and implementation of commercialization strategies. We have tried to include in the program a study of the basic elements needed for successful implementation in the field of biomedical technology projects. And of course, the most important thing - individual sessions with relevant mentors from companies participating in the Cluster, which will give start-ups a priceless experience of building a real business", notes Kirill Volynchik, development director of CSI Ventures Russian investment company - operator of the track.

The participants will visit industrial enterprises of Moscow and Moscow region, included in Northern Biofarmcluster, including KhimRar, Altonika, Neyrobotiks, etc. will familiarize themselves with technological processes and undergo necessary training. Besides, teams of finalists, together with the mentors and representatives of potential customers will develop road maps for the development and refinement of their products. The educational program will be attended by top managers of the leading Russian companies in the field of medicine and pharmacy, as well as representatives of venture capital funds, ministries and others.

"During the acceleration program, the teams will have to solve the main task - to find the right model of commercialization. I am confident, experienced anchor partners of the Cluster will be particularly useful here," says Oleg Korinov, the Executive Director of Biofarmcluster Northern.

On 15 February 2017, will take place the final stage of the accelerator - Demo Day, where the teams will present their projects to the jury, composed of representatives of the corporate track partner and specialized investors. The three best projects on the results of the examination will be submitted for participation in the federal finals of GenerationS.


The track operator — Xi Ventures LLC - a Russian investment company specializing in making investments in small innovative companies in the field of living systems at the seed stage, as well as microfinance and the acceleration of promising projects. It is a participant of the Biopharmaceutical cluster "Severniy". Since 2014, the company KSI Ventures has invested in 15 start-ups, and since 2015 it has been a managing companion of the Seed Investment Fund in the field of living systems, created in association with the RVC Seed Fund in the form of investment partnership.

Industrial partner of the track - Biopharmaceutical Cluster Northern, which includes companies such as GC Protek, Akrikhin JSC, TsVT KhimRar, FNTS Farmzaschita, Geropharm LLC, NPF Liteh, Altonika LLC, Institute of Emergency Care named after Sklifosovsky, SSC RF Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, the Federal Research Center of Transplantation and Artificial Organs named after Academician V.I. Shumakov, the Ministry of Health, Biomedical cluster Skolkovo, Quantum Pharmaceuticals LLC , PharmFirma Sotex JSC, Center of biogerontology and Regenerative Medicine, Martineks PHARMA LLC, MEDSTARNET RUS LLC, " NEIROKOM JSC, DON-M LLC, Rosthim LLC, M.A.Ster LLC, the First Medical University MGMU named after I.M. Sechenov at the Russian Ministry of Health, Scientific Center of Neurology FGBNU, Medical Technologies Ltd JSC, KONSTEL LLC, FGBI VNIIIMT Roszdravnadzor, FGBI Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov, "the Russian Ministry of Health, State Organization National Medical Research Radiological Centre at the Ministry of Health and others.

GenerationS — the largest start-up accelerator in Russia and Eastern Europe, the federal corporate platform for the development of acceleration tools. More than 20 Russian companies, in whose interests the selection and acceleration of start-ups is carried out, become Industrial partners of GenerationS on an annual basis. As a result of the multi-stage examination, the GenerationS participants receive ample opportunities for business development and investment promotion, and to get access to resources and infrastructure of accelerator partners. In 2016 alone, 4,237 applications from 30 countries were submitted to participate in GenerationS. The GenerationS-2016 prize fund will amount to 15 million rubles. The total value of prizes from partners will exceed 100 million rubles. 

The contacts of the LifeScience track
Tel.: +7 (495) 408-42-00
E-mail: kv@ksiventures.ru

Press service of GenerationS:
Phone: +7 (916) 508-38-44
E-mail: press@generation-startup.ru

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