Dual technologies domain will be included in GenerationS
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
24 August 2017

Dual technologies domain will be included in GenerationS

"Dual Technologies" track satellite within the federal start-up accelerator GenerationS will unite entrepreneurs-technologists specializing in developing solutions in the domain of civil technologies which are promising for use in the defence sector.

"Dual Technologies" track satellite within the federal start-up accelerator GenerationS will unite entrepreneurs-technologists specializing in developing solutions in the domain of civil technologies which are promising for use in the defence sector. The official presentation of the track was performed within the frameworks of the International Military Technical Forum "Army-2017".

It's "RVC Infrafund" who owns the exclusive licence for the launching of GenerationS-21017 "Dual Technologies" track. The industrial partner of the field has become "Voentelecom" JSC, its partners have become "Roselectronika" JSC and "Aviation Complex named after S.V.Ilyushin" PJSC. The infrastructure partners within the frameworks of the track have become leading Russian Higher Educational Institutions : Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Moscow Technological University (MIREA), Tomsk State University.

The possibility to apply for participation in the track will be given to projects related to large data, artificial intelligence, distributed registry systems, new portable power sources, manufacturing technologies, sensory and robotics components, digital design and modelling. Furthermore, start-up teams specializing in cognitive technologies and neuro-technologies, virtual and augmented reality and other fields could also participate in the track. One of the main selection criteria will be the possibility of implementation of solutions at existing plants within the frameworks of diversification programs. The application acceptance will start on September, 1.

"Dual Technologies" satellite track is a new GenerationS format and field, through which the "open innovation" model has received a platform for implementation in the military-industrial complex. The industrial partners of the track will perform on the basis of the accelerator the selection of prospective civil technologies which may be used in military and specialized technics. RVC, from its part, will provide the partners-corporations with an all-round expert support", Deputy General Director and Innovative Infrastructure Development Director of RVC Michail Antonov noted.

Following the results of the accelerating program, the start-up teams may attract investments from industrial partners and joint the ranks of portfolio companies of RVC subsidiary funds. The key particularity of the track will be the opportunity to examine project-finalists at the Investment Committee of the subsidiary funds of RVC.

"A new tool has been created in the portfolio of services provided by State development institutes aimed at the assurance of extensive way of management of the tasks related to the diversification of military-industrial complex plants set by the President of the Russian Federation. I'm sure that we'll create, in cooperation with industrial partners and main Higher Educational Institutions of "Dual Technologies" track, a high-quality projects stream for venture funds", Chief Operation Officer of subsidiary funds of RVC JSC Vladislav Fedotov noted.

Along with "Dual Technologies" satellite track, the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe accelerator GenerationS develops six domains which follow: Increasing the effectiveness of agriculture and solutions in the field of new medicines (Agro & MedTech); New media, fashion, design and entertainment (Creative); Power engineering (Power & Energy); Banking and financial services (FinTech); Metal processing, mining machinery management and raw material quality management (Mining & Metals); The implementation of smart production and systems (TechNet).

You can apply for participation in the accelerator before October 31, 2017. A complete list of directions for collecting applications can be found on GenerationS website. To become a member of GenerationS-2017, you need to register following the link.

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