The track Creative of GenerationS names its finalists in the categories of "fashion" and "education"
8, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112
27 March 2018

The track Creative of GenerationS names its finalists in the categories of "fashion" and "education"

A DemoDay of the Creative track was completed in Moscow. The track is part of RVC’s GenerationS, the largest competition in Russia and Eastern Europe to accelerate startup companies. The selection was held among the projects in the field of fashion and education. The winning teams come from Moscow and Kaliningrad; they shared a prize fund of 1 million rubles, which was granted by the industrial partner of the track, the Faberlic company, and received an invitation to the finals of GenerationS-2017.

The first place and 500 000 rubles in prizes was received by AVA EVA, an online platform where you order custom-made clothes.

The second place and 350,000 rubles went to the "education" project "HintEd - Digital Adoption Platform", which is an interactive micro-learning platform that allows you to quickly master a complex program by creating a series of hints in the interface.

The third place and 150 000 rubles was won by the project Private Sale: a trading platform to sell clothes and accessories, which resembles a well-known dating application Tinder.

The jury also highlighted three other projects:

LAR-X (3D printer for clothes and knitwear), bustCAD (three-dimensional designing of clothes) and 3D Fashion SketchMaker (a tool for creating 3D clothing patterns). All of them will complete international training courses.

The program of Creative track features 19 projects in the field of fashion (innovations in materials, e-commerce, automation of sewing, AR / VR implementation), education (new formats for career guidance services) and media (measuring efficiency of advertising campaigns, user interaction technologies and introduction of enhanced on-air graphics technologies). The winners of the “media” category will be known on April 16, 2018.



GenerationS - the largest start-up accelerator in Russia and Eastern Europe, the federal platform for the development of  corporate acceleration tools. It has been held by RVC since 2013. More than 20 Russian and international corporations, in whose interests the selection and acceleration of startups is carried out, become every year Industrial partners of GenerationS. As a result of the multi-stage examination, the GenerationS participants receive ample opportunities for business development and investment promotion and get access to resources and infrastructure of accelerator partners. In 2017, 3470 applications from 13 countries were submitted for participation in GenerationS. The prize fund of the GenerationS final in 2018 will amount to RUB 16 million.


RVC is the Russian government’s fund of funds and the development institute of national venture industry. The RVC’s main objectives are to stimulate the growth of national venture investment industry and to function as a Project Office for the National Technology Initiative (NTI). RVC’s authorized capital amounts to more than RUB 30 bln. RVC’s capital is owned in full by the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo). The total number of funds established by RVC JSC has reached 26 with their total size of 35.5 billion rubles. The share of RVC JSC is 22.6 billion rubles. The number of innovative companies approved for investment by RVC funds reached 218. The total volume of funds approved for investment is 17.9 billion rubles.


Faberlic is the largest Russian company in the direct sales market, the manufacturer of proprietary unique oxygen cosmetics. The range of Faberlic products also includes all kinds of products for skin and hair care, exclusive French perfumes, decorative cosmetics, products for home and health, children's, women's, men's clothing, underwear, accessories and shoes. In 2016, the company began cooperating with Russian designers. The most famous Russian stars of theater, cinema and music became the ambassadors of the brand. In 2003, the company entered the international market. Now operates its business in 40 countries of the world with Faberlic representative offices open in 20 countries. The Russian office cooperates with more than 1 million consultants. 5 million consumers use Faberlic products every day.

The company has more than 1000 products, 32 Russian and foreign patents and is in the Top-100 international perfumery and cosmetics companies and among the top three leaders in the direct sales market in Russia and CIS. It ranked 48th in the world ranking of direct sales companies in 2016 (according to the DSN version).


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